Re: Access to the net.

John G. Thompson (
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 09:06:40 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 11 Aug 1996 wrote:
> strangest thing has been happening. I have been having complaints from
> my ddedicated 28.8 customers that they are loosing the connection to the
> internet constanly. They say that they can ping the machines on my
> internal network but they cant access anything out of my network. For
> like 2-3 minutes they can access anything at all out of my network.

Sounds like a routing issue.

> I dont know why this is happening. Since my dialup customer are only on
> for a little while at a time I ASSUME they just dont notice but my
> direct customers do. I have some customers on ISDN direct using Ascend
> but they do not report outage at all. The only ones that are having
> trouble are the ones on the portmaster. Lets look at the ports.
> pm1> show s29
> ----------------------- Current Status - Port S29
> ---------------------------
> Input: 613110629 Parity Errors: 0
> Output: 625072045 Framing Errors: 59
> Pending: 0 Overrun Errors: 2460

The overrun errors need to be looked at. MIght be a flow control

> Modem Config: Configured usr

What does you init string look like?

> For 11 days up, that is quite a bit of overrunn errors dont you think.
> Would they cause this problem?

Might, might not. You do need to fix it. Are all ports running high
overrun errors?

> pm1> set ether0 netmask
> ether0 netmask changed from to
> pm1> save all
> The netmask was incorrect. Would that be the problem?????? remember it
> works fine its just
> an intermitent problem.

I don't think the netmask was the problem.

> Name Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Resets Queue
> ether0 8812443 1 8120472 0 10900 0 0
> Doesnt look too bad?

Nope. Looks okay. How about the upstream router?

> Any suggestions?

Check that the dynamic ip address pool is known by the upstream router.
If it is in the same network as the ether0, there isn't a problem. If
you have used a set from another network make sure the upstream router
knows that it is there by RIP or a static route.



John G. Thompson      Livingston Enterprises Inc.    Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON)             6920-220 Koll Centre Pkwy.       Fax: (510) 426-8951 Pleasanton, CA 94566