Re: A Livingston default modem string is bad for a USR modem

jason philbrook (
Sun, 10 Nov 1996 12:19:54 -0500 (EST)

> >>This init string is sent to the modem every time the router is reset, and
> >>every time the port is reset, and every time the modem loses carrier. The
> >
> >wrong wrong wrong
> >It is sent on boot and on MANUAL reset of the port. NOT after each call.
> I see. Well, since you work for Livingston and are privy to such things,
> can you tell me where, in any of the router documentation, it lists the
> circumstances in which the router re-initializes the modem? More to the

This question comes up about once a week, thus MZ's "They still don't get
it" answer.

This seems to be an annoyingly common question which might not be adequately
explained the the docs. but even still, anyone who searches the list's
archives would see this question over and over and over. (probably about
once a week) Or if anyone was on the list for more than a couple week's
they'd learn without even having to ask. (that was my case)

Jason Philbrook         |         Midcoast Internet Solutions         |     Internet Access, LAN, WAN, and Linux    |   Service and Consulting for Midcoast Maine