A Livingston default modem string is bad for a USR modem (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@livingston.com)
Sun, 10 Nov 1996 08:01:34 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Carl Oppedahl shaped the electrons to say...
>This init string is sent to the modem every time the router is reset, and
>every time the port is reset, and every time the modem loses carrier. The

wrong wrong wrong

It is sent on boot and on MANUAL reset of the port. NOT after each call.

>bad thing about this string is the &W, which rewrites the flash EPROM in the
>modem. The problem is that there is a limited life for any flash EPROM, a
>limited number of times it can be rewritten. This init string wastefully
>consumes some of that limited life every time the init string is executed.

This argument is moot as the data it was based on is incorrect.

>It would also be desirable if the init string contained a command to fix the
>DTE rate. In my setup I am using the modem for dialout, and I want to be

The correct string for a USR, from the manaul, is AT&F1s0=1&W

s0=1 is omitted if dip switch 5 is set. I've already requested that we
add it to the string we ship.

>sure I get error correction (&m5) and fixed DTE baud rate (&b1). So here is
>a different init string:

&F1 should provide both.

>If there are other modem init strings in PortMaster Version 3.4.2L that
>perform &W (I haven't checked) I suggest they be revised as well.

All of them do. And it is deliberate. We're not going to change them.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
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