Filter for a PM2

Christian Gatti (
Sun, 10 Nov 1996 10:43:32 +0100 (MET)


We are just testing a proxy server and would like to force people
to make their HTTP (port 80) traffic over this proxy server and not directly
to the internet. Let's say the proxy's server address is

But all the other internet services such as IRC, REALAUDIO, gopher; Telnet
Rlogin, whois, NNTP etc... should be allowed to direclty access the internet.

We plan to force only the HTTP traffic over the proxy as this is the only one
which is cached on the proxy server.

Do I need to restrict HTTP traffic to the proxy server only and then
explicity allow
ALL other services (such ass IRC, NNTP etc..) in the filter?

Thanks for all infos,

Christian SCHMIT,