Re: Ascend Max-Up program E-mail correction (fwd)

Dave Andersen (
Thu, 07 Nov 1996 23:35:43 -0700

> Amen brother... I just sent them a message telling them that I or any
> company I work for will never buy Ascend. And I will follow it.
> see ya Ascend, you can't play in my playground anymore.

Frankly, I think you're not going to miss out on one. We're currently
trying to configure a Max 4004 (dual PRI/etc). The intention is to run
it side-by-side the PM3, if it ever gets here (:) and compare the two.

So far, Livingston's winning, and I don't even have their unit yet.
Configuring an Ascend MAX is like trying to force feed a honda to a
horse with dysentary - it's just not a good idea, and it SMELLS. The
ascend interface has got to be the most convoluted, bass-ackwards,
pain-in-the-ass excuse for a way to not make your hardware work that
I've ever encountered.

(The spec sheet looks really pretty, though. If it performs as well as
it's rumored to, then.. there's a small chance I can forgive the interface,
but it doesn't seem likely). <whine> If you could combine Ascend's ability
to get me a product on time and Livingston's equipment and INTERFACE, then
we'd really have a winning combination. :)
