Re: Hooray for WinNT 4.0

Portmaster List (
Fri, 08 Nov 1996 11:46:34 GMT

On Thu, 7 Nov 1996 07:59:19 -0500 (EST), Krzysztof Adamski
<> wrote:

>What did you have to set for 4.0 to route between LAN and PPP =
>Selecting ip forwarding in the TCP control section didn't seem to be

yesterday I had to put a NTS 4.0 as a router between a 100Mb LAN and a =

The conclusion i got is that MS completely messes up the routing =
The NT forwards packets, only does not know where to.. :)

So, I did this: place a batch file with
route -f (to delete all the network routes)
route add your stuff...

And it worked...


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