Re: new win95 4.009.50B PAP broken ???

Saliya Wimalaratne (
Thu, 07 Nov 1996 21:56:22 +1100

At 12:22 AM 11/7/96 -0800, you wrote:

>disable wins on tcp/ip dialup adapter under control panel/networks...
>make sure in the DUN that only tcpip is enabled and that netbui and ipx
>protocol are disabled...

Hi Robert,
thanks for the suggestion - checked it and all networking stuff is
as per usual...

I think the problem is that this particular version of Win95 is not sending
out any PPP packets ... it just sits there ... and thus the Portmaster can't
autodetect PPP and perform the PAP auth...

the weird part is if I get it to do the scripted login (the portmaster is
the first to send PPP packets then) then everything is OK...

Has anyone else seen this ???


Saliya Wimalaratne * Mobile: +61 419 256 448
Systems Administrator * Fax: +61 48 711 629
Highlands Internet *
Goulburn Internet *
NSW Australia * Office: +61 48 722 094