Re: PM2E Ethernet Interface not seen by hub.....

Robert Boyle (
Sat, 09 Nov 1996 00:27:34 -0500

At 11:50 PM 11/8/96 -0500, you wrote:
>We just bought 2 new PM2e units and configured them just like all the
>others we have done in the past. The ComOS is 3.3.2 We set up an ip
>address and a subnet mask of on each through console
>connection through s0, saved the config and restarted them. Next we
>plugged them into the hub and neither one shows a valid connection to the
>hub. That is we get no light whatsoever on the hub port. We have tried
>different hubs and different patch cabling but still the units do not show
>valid connections to a hub. We are using 10bT part of the Ethernet
>AM I forgetting something or are these units possibly damaged. I bought
>them from the same place about 1 week apart.

Did you remember to set dip switches 4 & 5 in the up position to select the
10Base-T interface?
