Re: Instant web creation (fwd)

Jon Lusky (
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 07:32:51 -0500 (EST)

MegaZone writes:
> Once upon a time Joe Hartley shaped the electrons to say...
> >recommend anything else - Adobe PageMill, Netscape Gold, Hotdog, whatever -
> PLEASE don't recommend PageMangler or NS Gold. They both produce terrible
> HTML. I'd actually take M$ FrontPage before them - and you know how I feel
> about M$.
> HotDog PRO is good, and the best I've seen is HoTMetaL PRO.

I can't judge the "quality" of its HTML, but Claris Homepage is pretty
slick. Easy for a novice to crank out a nice looking pace.

Jonathan R. Lusky		|  Voyager Online, LLC
Director of Network Operations	|  (423) 209-2929		|  Unlimited PPP $19.95/mo		|