Re: Ascend Max-Up program E-mail correction (fwd)

Howard Leadmon (
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 02:35:25 -0500 (EST)

> Frankly, I think you're not going to miss out on one. We're currently
> trying to configure a Max 4004 (dual PRI/etc). The intention is to run
> it side-by-side the PM3, if it ever gets here (:) and compare the two.
> So far, Livingston's winning, and I don't even have their unit yet.
> Configuring an Ascend MAX is like trying to force feed a honda to a
> horse with dysentary - it's just not a good idea, and it SMELLS. The
> ascend interface has got to be the most convoluted, bass-ackwards,
> pain-in-the-ass excuse for a way to not make your hardware work that
> I've ever encountered.
> (The spec sheet looks really pretty, though. If it performs as well as
> it's rumored to, then.. there's a small chance I can forgive the interface,
> but it doesn't seem likely). <whine> If you could combine Ascend's ability
> to get me a product on time and Livingston's equipment and INTERFACE, then
> we'd really have a winning combination. :)
> -Dave

Well I have to agrre with you on the interface, but it will have the advantage
of being a well tested product.

I am personally a big Livingston fan (ask any that know me), but we are now
in a pinch for more ports and I hate to say it but Livingston just hasn't
delivered as promised. We have had a PM3 ordered for a while, and still
nothing. So we decided just yesterday that as much as we didn't want to I
am going to have to bith the bullet and order a Max 4004..

Sorry Livingston, just can't wait any longer for the PM3..

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