Re: dropped connections after 120 secs or so

Dean Forester (
Wed, 6 Nov 1996 15:42:52 -0500 (EST)


We have found that with all USR Sportster modems if you add S10=20S38=2
to the end of the init string they seem to stay connected longer.

Also if you are having problems with the Sportster Winmodem 33.6 modems
add &N14 (or &N13 if the 14 don't work) to the end of the string, this
limits the connect speed to V.34.. These modems are based on the TI
chipset and there is an error in the negotiations that causes them to
improperly connect to V.34 modems based on the Rockwell chipset (and
possibly others).

Bye For Now,

Dean Forester
Durham.Net Inc.