Re: RFE: Resetting stats on PM2 (fwd)

Ryan Mooney (
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 19:25:23 -0700 (MST)

Jason Marshall, said:

> For those with the power, if this isn't an RFE already, please make it
> one. It should be terribly simple to allow a couple counters to be zeroed
> -- or ANYTHING to be zeroed for that matter.

Especially lusers who call and interrupt my doom game
$pmcom cs01 "clear luser mind"

Sorry to good to resist :)

I 5th (or 6th or whatever), the RFE though... It would also be terribley
cool to maintain counters across reboots... I know that that would be
a bunch more difficult, but it would put us bit counters 100% in control.

Ryan Mooney Phone (602)265-9188 PCSLink Fax (602)265-9357 Internet Services

The world needs more bitter, twisted souls. It would be a much better place.