Re: reboot script for PM2ER-30 (fwd)
Fri, 1 Nov 1996 08:14:27 +0100 (MET) (BadgerNet) writes:

>Mine's got a big problem. Nearly every day I find that I need to reboot
>the PM2e. I have gone in and found that I would occaisionally lose the
>telnet login, but I have resolved this by not using "exit" when leaving the
>telnet session. However, all my ports are routinely hanging and the PM2e
>needs a good kick in the butt to clear it. Funny thing matter
>what the circumstances, I can still access the PM2e via the pmconsole (from
>windows machine) and indicidually reset each port...pain in the butt.

Get it fixed. We have tons of portmasters and we hardly ever have problems
like these. Some stay up for months.

We do occasionally have problems with single serial ports on the 30.
They seem very vulnerable to outside influences, and we have had several
dozen ports die on us. Mostly it's the send or receive buffer chips that
die. Is this a known problem, or should I look at specific environmental


| Cor Bosman     |  ____Xs4all Public Access____  |  tel: +31-(0)20-622-2885 |
| |     Network Administrator      |  fax: +31-(0)20-622-2753 |