Re: UUCP question

Ryan Mooney (
Sat, 2 Nov 1996 13:15:11 -0700 (MST)

Not 100% sure about the resources (although I suspect its true on most
un*x boxes), but the reason I like rlogin is the fact that you only
have to script a single login: password: pair, if you use the ruucpd...
That makes it generally a LOT easier to setup the client end.

BTW: Is anyone else using ruucpd on BSDI? It doesn't seem to update the
logout record in /var/log/wtmp properly... I've disabled the log
of connection establish, because I get that from the PM, but I would
like to have it work properly... Has anyone dug through some login
code and figured out whats missing?

> Oh.. Ok :) Well I was told by those wiser then me that Rlogin is better
> as resources were more efficant or something.. THey could be full of it too..
> Cheers,
> Paul
> -----------
> Paul Andersen
> System Administrator T: +1 (416) 447-8505x23
> E-Gate Communications Inc. F: +1 (416) 447-6447
> Toronto, Ontario P: +1 (416) 382-9316

Ryan Mooney Phone (602)265-9188 PCSLink Fax (602)265-9357 Internet Services

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