Re: Tell me what is true ... (fwd)

MIX System Operator (
Sat, 02 Nov 1996 09:41:16 -0600

At 06:45 PM 10/31/96 +1600, MZ wrote:
>Once upon a time Jacob Suter shaped the electrons to say...
>>What kind of ethernet options are on the PM-3? Duplex 10-base-T (20mbps)?
>Right now the same as the rest. 10base5, 10base2, 10baseT
>We're looking at 100baseT in the future, but right now just evaluating

I don't see much point in using 100bT. If you have wagon loads of PMs then
you should have them on thier own 10bT segment IMHO.

With that, how about full duplex?

Jeff Mountin

MIX Communications
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