Re: Problems with PMConsole X and Windows (fwd)

Andy Doolittle ((no email))
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 09:39:24 -0800 (PST)

The filter size limitation is in the transport protocol between ComOS
and pmconsole (all versions). A fix is, as usual, in the works.

To load large filters through pmcommand, you can have your password as
the first line of the command file, and type:

pmcommand pmfoobar < command.file

This will force pmcommand to prompt for the password, then (assuming
it's correct 8-) execute the rest of the file.


> On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, Rudy Amid wrote:
> > An excerpt from Brian 'MegaZone' Bikowicz message:
> > >
> [snip]
> > > This is a known problem is all versions of pmconsole. For filters that long
> > > they have to be done on the command line.
> > >
> > > But 65 rules? I don't think I've encounted a filter that large... What are
> > > you filtering?
> > >
> > > -MZ
> >
> > I haven't used the front-end version of PMcommand before. Which one
> > would you suggest I use, PMConsole for Sparc or Windows?
> >
> > Also, our site has over 40 rules. We're filtering everything while
> > making individual exceptions to particular hosts and ports for vital services.
> > This is the reason why I'm considering to use PMConsole but if there's
> > a problem with many rules, I'll continue to use pmcommand. Btw, if I have
> > that many rules, does it degrade the performance of the portmaster?
> >
> How about 73 rules? "That which is not expressly permitted, is
> prohibited." If Cheswick and Bellovin are to be believed, I don't see
> how I can do much less and be a useful Internet Service Provider, while
> still being as secure as possible.
> can I load a filter of this size without
> pmcommand, which requires me to expose my Portmasters' passwords for
> the time that it takes to execute the command? This is a serious
> problem if there isn't another way. I hate having to change the
> password just to change the filters.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> David Carmean WB6YZM DC574
> System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
> PGP Key Fingerprint: CD 1C C1 15 3E E3 1D 41 ED C2 3E A8 D6 29 BD C4
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------