Strange Occurances

Joey Lamb (
Thu, 30 Nov 1995 10:01:11 +0000

I have a customer who is having a weird thing happen. When he is
online, he will download something (from many different sites) and
the transfer rate will will be normal, then it will gradually slowdown
and finally stop, before it will finish the download. I first
thought it was his modem. He is using an Intel Satisfaction 400 14.4
Modem. I talked with their tech support, and never found a solution.
We tried all kinds of different init strings. But nothing fixed it.
We downloaded stuff from a couple of BBS's and it worked fine.
Finally he decided to try a different ISP in town (one that isn't
using a Livingston). And it worked fine. I wouldn't have believed
it if I wouldn't have saw it myself. His transfers never slow down,
and we even go to some of the same sites he went to when he connected
through us.
Any suggestions? I know that our bandwidth and LAN Ethernet are NOT
saturated, so that can not be the problem. We are operating a FULL
T1. I also know it can't be the sites, because the same thing
happens to several different sites, and we have tried it as early as
7am, and have tried at all times of the day. It also can't be our
end of the backbone, as both of me and the other ISP in town use the
same, UUNet.

If anyone has some suggestions to offer, I would greatly appreciate
it. If not, I guess I will have to get out my telebit netblazer for
him to dial in on!

Thank you,
Joey Lamb