Re: Dial-Up Class C routing?

Patrick Greenwell (
Wed, 29 Nov 1995 11:05:44 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, Leo Savage wrote:

> On Tue, 28 Nov 1995, Patrick Greenwell wrote:
> > I know this subject has been discussed a lot recently, but since the
> > Portmaster-Digest hasn't been updated for the last three months, I
> > couldn't retrieve the thread. I am attempting to route a Class C for a
> > dial-up connection w/Radius. The entry follows:
> >
> > testaP Password = "XXXXXX"
> > User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
> > Framed-Protocol = PPP,
> > Framed-Address =,
> > Framed-Netmask =,
> > Framed-Routing = None,
> > Framed-Route = 1,
> > Framed-MTU = 1006
> >
> > Whenever I attempt to login with the Framed-Route line in the Radius
> > file, I get an invalid login message. Anything obvious that I am doing wrong?
> I dunno if this is your problem or not, but put quotes around that route,
> like so:
> Framed-Route = " 1",
> Any multiword value must be quoted, otherwise, radiusd will only parse out
> the first token. Funny, I'da thought you'd get a "parse error" on this.
> --
> ("`-/")_.-'"``-._ Leo Savage
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Yeah that was it. Thanks...

Patrick Greenwell (510) 943-5769 voice
System Administrator (510) 210-2000 modem
Value Net, Inc. (510) 943-1708 fax