Pmconsole for Windows

CygNet Support (
Tue, 28 Nov 1995 21:26:45 -0500

Hi all

I experienced some weird problems with pmconsole for Windows. I reported
these problems about two weeks ago.

When we add users to our system we add them to the Portmaster and then on a
weekly basis I put them in the radius file. We have some users that remain
forever on the portmaster. When I delete a user off the portmaster the next
day we may will find another user deleted also. I recently did a test and
deleted a user in the "A" s and the next day a user in the "T"s was gone.

Has anyone else seen this problem.

It is not a real big deal because we are now moving everyone to the radius file.
I am just curious

Eugene Grant
CygNet Internet Services

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