Re: SYSMSG messages

Tue, 28 Nov 1995 12:43:44 +0100

At 22:21 25/11/1995 -0900, Tom Clark wrote:
>Is there a reason why my IRX would all of a sudden start reporting
>"SYSMSG524 SYSMSG525 " ... etc all of a sudden while telneted to it, and
>then return to normal after rebooting? Ver 3.2R

Have a PM2ER that did that to me twice.
Seems to me that happened when I issued a "set console" command at the prompt.
I was trying to get debug info on a dial-back sequence and I was doing many
"dial location -x".

I was too shy to try that again, but I'd like to know if the "set console"
command is enough to end up with "SYSMSG" messages (no body can connect ->
they don't get the Login: prompt anymore).

Power cycle on the PM2ER "resolved" the problem.


Eric SALOME <>
Societe CERTIX Sarl tel : +33 (1)
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Conseil et Ingenierie en Informatique