USR Sportsters

Chris Blanchard (
Sun, 26 Nov 1995 19:23:26 GMT

To all that replied:

Folks I have emailed all of you that replied to my message this
morning. I have no idea if the string that I gave you will work, although I
wish you the best of luck and would like to hear from you if it does.
I use an internal USR Sportster 28,800 Data/Fax modem, true V.34
with V.FC. I am running Winstock shareware to access the net. It may be
the software that I use that makes it work and then again it could be
something else. I happen to think for some reason that it is the init.
string. If it does or does not work for you I would appreciate it if you
would email me and tell me so. If it does not work fell free to email me
and maybe we can figure out why it works for me and not for you. It may be
my machine for all I know. I'm glad that I could help.

Here is the string for all who did not reply. I am aware that the
string has two &F's in it but I think that may be the trick.

" AT&F&F&C1&D2&H1&R2&B1&A3 "
