PortMaster RIP's

Sat, 25 Nov 95 13:14:39 -0700

Hi there I cannot seem to get my PM2e to RIP out to my network. I have my
Ethernet port set to broadcast, listen. all other ports are off. What I would
like to do is assign a static address to a dial in PPP user, which all works
fine. The dial in user is actually a network, so my pm address would be say, the customers off of the portmaster is, and the customer
then has a class C off of his box 205.1.2.x. I do not want to have the customer
RIPping to me, nor do I wish to send RIP's to him. But I do want the portmaster
to RIP the fact that 205.1.2.x is off of gateway to my cisco to be
forwarded up to my service provider and also to my internal host machines. I was
hoping that it would RIP the static route for this, but no go, so I am left with
doing it from the cisco, but alll traffic then goes to the cisco and is then
retransmitted over my ethernet to the portmaster. Do I HAVE to subnet for the PM
to RIP?? I sincerely hope not. But The solution would be apprechiated.
