RE: error downloading images with Netscape??

John-David Childs (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 10:28:02 -0700 (MST)

As a matter of fact, I spent nearly four hours with a customer last week on
this same issue!

At first, he had an Internal 14.4 Supra on his noname clone computer.
Everything worked fine. Then he switched to an external Cardinal 28.8.
Couldn't get any graphics in netscape, but most everything else worked,
although he had quite a few PPP frame check errors.

After trying lots of different settings on his own, he switched out the
cardinal for a top-of-the-line $600 microcom v.everything. "Surely this
will work, he thought".

Nope. Virtually same results. So I was called over to his office (in
exchange for lunch and a matinee viewing of the new James Bond flick...I
thought this was going to be pretty quick). I changed almost every
Trumpet Winsock setting I could, changed cables, changed speed settings
so that the modem would only originate a 14.4 tone, etc. etc.
FINALLY...I said "It *has* to be your serial I/O card. He refused to
accept this because BananaCOM (a DOS based telecomm program) worked
flawlessly with our system on all the modems he used with that computer,
including the microcom at 28.8! I *insisted* that it was the only
variable left.

A couple of days later, he sheepishly admitted that he had changed out
the serial i/o card and everything worked great!


John-David Childs Information Systems Tech University of Montana-Missoula (406)243-2321 System Administrator Internet Services Montana (406)542-0838 "I used up all my sick days... so I'm calling in dead"