Re: I give up...

John Capo (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 11:59:41 -0500 (EST)

Dave writes:
> It is 3:30 am. I am trying to finish up a PM2e-30 installation.
> I have tried everything I know (which isn't much right now) to get
> radius 1.16 to compile cleanly on a BSDI 1.1 box. I get a number of;
> "argument passing between incompatible pointer types" warnings.
> This question has probably been answered many times before. Sorry if
> that is the case.

I am sure it will run just fine as is. Send me the messages and
line numbers and I will clean it up for you.

John Capo
IRBS Engineering High performance FreeBSD systems
(305) 792-9551 Unix/Internet Consulting - ISP Solutions