Packet queue flushing

Stephane Volet (
Sat, 25 Nov 1995 10:39:05 -0500

>Date: Sat, 25 Nov 1995 10:14:42 -0500
> (Stephane Volet)
>Once upon a time Stephane Volet shaped the electrons to say...
>>Nov 23 00:02:14 ??? error: port S1 stopped too long - flushing packet queu=
>Everytime I've ever seen this it has been flow control. And nearly everyti=
>it is that one of the modems has XON/XOFF turned on. Binary data makes an
>apparent 'XOFF", the modem stops taking packets, the link dies, and the buf=
>continues to fill and flush as data comes in until the user gives up and
>hangs up.

I've checked our modems, they're all set to hardware handshaking... What
seems strange with this problem is that it is intermittent... If our users
had the wrong settings (XON/XOFF) on their modems, their connections would
go bad on a regular basis... But it seems that isn't the case - I'm quite
sure the users don't change their settings for each connection... I still
have to check with all of them to see what kind of programs they were
running when this happens...

I wonder if the the PPP Asynchronous Control Character Map settings would
have to be modified... (...just an educated guess... ;-). But again, it is
an occasional problem!.. Perhaps every now and then some data is thrown
down the line and is confused with flow control commands....

hmmmmm.... (a direct quote from Marge Simpson!)

St=E9phane VOLET... ! Y.E.S. (virtuel) inc.
C.P. 85 . tel/fax: (418) 294 2294
Baie-Comeau QC G4Z 2G8 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"N'=E9veillez pas le con qui dort, c'est toujours =E7a de pris."
- San-Antonio