error downloading images with Netscape??

Javier Iglesias (
Fri, 24 Nov 1995 18:18:23 -0500

I have a user that has an odd problem, and I don't know if it relates
somehow to the portmaster..

Everything seems to work fine for him, except that when he goes to pages
that have any more than maybe 200K of graphics, netscape doesn't stop
loading, and he has to hit the stop button.. if he loads the page without
graphics, it loads fine.. but not with graphics.. he has a 28.8 unknown
brand! :)) but he tried ws_ftp, and it works fine.. even eudora.. so why

Anyone has had any problems like this??

Any help would be appreciated.


Javier Iglesias
Internet Tidal Wave
(610) 770-6187
