dumb user login (fwd)

Bruno Van Wilder (bvwilder@dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk)
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 17:29:31 +0000 (GMT)

<I sent this message yesterday too, but it seems it got lost on our
system here... Sorry if it is a repeat.>

We have some trouble configuring our PM2e-10. The problem has already
been raised by a number of people before, but I haven't found any working
solutions yet.

I want to offer the choice between ppp and shell login, and thus I am
using the Merit Radius. However, when logging in (without PAP or CHAP), a
ppp is immediately started.
The serial port is configured as login network dialin, with security on;
the entries in the users file are the standard DEFAULT, dumbuser,
pppuser, ...
The ppp is even started when I remove the pppuser entry from the users file.
When I put my port in user login only mode, I get an 'invalid login'
message, which is also reported to my loghost; in the radius logfile,
however, the authentication is said to have succeeded.

For me, it is as if the PM receives a bad or incomplete reply from radius..

Some more technical info: radius 2.4.14 running on a linux box, ComOS 3.1.4.

Has anybody got any ideas to cope with this ?


Bruno Van Wilder
	E-mail: bvwilder@dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk