Portmaster modems,

Matthew (mmacsuga@unix.ieway.com)
Wed, 22 Nov 1995 11:24:39 -0800 (PST)

Would someone mind telling me a step-by-step approach on how to get a
free modem out of the modem pool for use from the Unix shell level? I'm
not sure exactly how I'm supposed to configure some of the ports for use
that way, ... the only way that I know is to take an "attach" a modem,
and I've heard that that isn't the proper way to do it :) <G>

So, ... I'd like to write a little program to gain a modem, dial out, ...
do some cool stuff, and exit... I need to know how to configure the PM,
then how to access any "free" modem...

Thanks for the help :)

|Matthew MacSuga |Systems Administrator |
|mmacsuga@ieway.com |Internet Expressway |
|"...Sleep, what's that?..." |(509) 891-4306 |
|http://www.ieway.com/~mmacsuga|http://www.ieway.com/ |