Re: modems on irx-114

Ian McLaughlin (
Mon, 20 Nov 1995 22:40:03 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Somebody wrote:

> On Mon, 20 Nov 1995, Mark Leslie wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone knows how to have s2,s4 be used for 28.8k
> I have tried a few things to no avail. Can anyone some light on this.

The IRX114 has 1 async port (S0) which can have an async 28.8 modem
connected to it (and each of our three IRX114's have a modem on this
port). S1-S4 are all synchronous ports only. You could use a US
Robotics Courier in Synchronous leased-line mode, but you can't use these
ports for async dialup. You could use them for switched-56K dialup service.

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