The workings of a portmaster.

Dave McPike (
Sun, 19 Nov 1995 12:49:27 -0700 (MST)

I have some basic questions about the way the portmaster works. First
off, what are you guys refering to when you speak about giving the PM a
"power cycle". Is this something that the PM does regularly on its own
to keep certain things going? Also, just a bit ago someone said that by
putting the '&w' part at the end of the modem init string in the modem
table, you could fry the modems NVRAM(is that what it's called?). Now,
with having an entry in the modem table (we just added one in there, as
we used to just plug a PC into the modem and set them manually), does
that mean that the PM resets them with that string regularly, or does it
only do that when you set up the modem with 'set Sx usr-v34'?

Thanks for the info!
