Simple routing/subnetting question.

Scott McDermott (
Sat, 18 Nov 1995 16:58:55 -0800 (PST)

I hope this is simple, anyway. I don't entirely understand how this
stuff works, so I want to ask before I do something stupid. I have 2
class C's. One is for internal machines. The other is for my PPP
users. I have 2 pm2e's. Both are on the internal network. One of them is
using the second classC just fine for PPPs and the routing works as
advertised (via RIP). I can't have the other pm2 use that network,
though, as all addresses are routed to the first pm. So the goal here is
to know the proper netmask to create 30 IP chunks that I can spread
amougst the pm's. Make sense? So, how do I do that? Is the proper
netmask all I need, or is it more complex than that?

| Scott McDermott
| System Administrator
| Compumedia, Inc.