Re: still having trouble with merit radius...

Russ Pagenkopf (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 19:25:51 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, Mark Frost wrote:
[a whole lot that got chomped]
> host: aspen
> S1 login: mfrost
> Password:
> PPP session from ( to
> beginning....~}#@!}!}!} }4}"}&} } } } }%}&}-I}'}"}(}"yp~~}#@!}!}"}
> }4}"}&} } } } }%}&}-I}'}"}(}"3M~~}#@!}!}#} }4}"}&} } } }
> }%}&}-I}'}"}(}"z^~~}#@!}!}$} }4}"}&} } } } }%}&}-I}'}"}(}"6>~ >

Check for hardware handshaking on both ends, listen for noise on the
line, make sure *both* modems are hanging up correctly. That tilde plus
all the rest of the stuff looks suspiciouly like a ppp negotiation trying
to start to me. You doing this from a terminal program or something like
trumpet or macppp?
