Hayes racks

Mike Gogulski (syadasti@seminole.iag.net)
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 17:16:00 -0500 (EST)

We're eval'ing a Hayes Century 16 rack system. PM2e30, and we've got
Sportsters on the other 14 ports.

We've had problems with it, garbage on connect, dropped connections, other
flakiness, some of which we've traced to the telco digging up our parking lot
to lay in a 200-pair cable.

We got tech support at hayes to suggest to us to disable the automagic
retraining on the modems, and support calls and gripes have dropped off but
still persist.

Anyone have any luck with the Hayes racks?


Mike Gogulski                   syadasti@iag.net
Network Administrator  		syadasti@cat.net
Internet Access Group           Altamonte Springs, Florida, USA
+1-407-786-1145 Work            +1-407-672-2340 Other