Re: will "User-Name=" work for a Unix-PW entry?

William Bulley (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 13:42:51 -0500 (EST)

According to Mark A. O. Van Ryck de Groot:
> I am currently running 2.4.14 of the merit Radius software and for
> some reason I can't get it to authenticate a user based on the
> value of my User-Name entry. What I want is to just have one
> unix user id and use a letter like "p" for PPP to determin
> the type of login he/she is requesting. I got this to work under
> Livingston's version of Radius. So is this supposed to work?
> psomeuser Authentication-Type = Unix-PW
> User-Name = "someuser",

You can't ask the PortMaster to change what it thinks your User-Name
is. I believe this is correct, but I could stand to be corrected
by someone as polite as Brian is! :-)

The Merit version does not support the SCP stuff (and may not ever)
unless someone can fund the extra effort that supporting this stuff
is costing me/us...



William Bulley, N8NXN              Senior Systems Research Programmer
Merit Network Inc.                 Domain:
4251 Plymouth Road                 MaBell: (313) 764-9993
Ann Arbor, Michigan  48105-2785    Fax:    (313) 747-3185