Re: Windows-NT and Portmaster2e30?

Jeremiah Johnson (
Fri, 17 Nov 1995 09:31:15 -0600


You can download PM-console for NT off of Livingston's anonymous ftp
server; if you need help finding it, let me know.

>and if, miracle of miracles, there is any way to run radius under NT?
>(Is this even possible?)

Last time I talked to Livingston, they said they don't intend to release
any NT-specific code for Radius. They do have the source for their orig
unix Radius on the anonymous ftp server if you want to port it. To use
Radius, I set up a Linux machine and mounted a directory off of the
NT to use for /etc/raddb - works pretty well.

>Peter L. Buschman /|\ |.| .^. .--.
> \|/ ||| |~| `--.infonia!
> Phi Mu Alpha `--'

- jeremiah