Re: Portmaster Software Internals

Per Hedeland (
Thu, 16 Nov 1995 21:10:29 +0100 (MET)

>From: David Stoddard <>

>Now for the problem -- our Digiboard sites are configured to ask for
>a login userid, password, and then produce a prompt at which the user can
>type either slip, ppp, or menu for various services.
>What we would like to do is let them login to the Postmasters using a
>standard Portmaster login that rlogins to one of our UNIX servers and
>results in our usual menu shell prompt. If the user types ppp or slip,
>we would like to send some form of request to the Portmaster to have it
>change from host login mode to SLIP or PPP mode.

I don't believe you can do that - but if you use RADIUS, you should be
able to use its "challenge" functionality to produce the third prompt,
and depending on the user's answer send an authentication ack that
either starts PPP or SLIP or makes an rlogin to the host where you run
the menu stuff.

> We have plenty of UNIX programming expertise on-hand to get
>the job done -- we just need the specs on the interface to implement it.

There is some sample code in Livingston's radiusd for the challenge
functionality (actually it kicks in if you type "challenge" at the
Password prompt:-), but it probably requires a bit of programming (and
perhaps RADIUS-spec reading) to make it happen the way you want to -
should be fairly straightforward though.

--Per Hedeland