Re: New User

Phil Jensen - News Administrator (
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 19:32:50 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 15 Nov 1995, Benn Boulton wrote:

> Hello Michael
> I am doing that now ( the telnet, show sessions thing) but an looking for
> somthing that will give me one command to show the portmaster sessions as
> well as host sessions ( combo show sessions and finger type of thing).
> Benn

I don't understand... do you want output like a `finger' and a pmwho?
Or both of them put together to be made to look like a giant finger? It
would be pretty easy to do, either way. Write a small awk or (perl)
script to put the information into an (associative) array and then just
have it output it dandily (heh :) like a giant finger. You know -- now
that I think about it... that sounds like a cool idea. If you need any
help -- call or email me and I'll do it for ya.


Phil Jensen _\\|//_
News Administrator/JAPH (-0-0-)
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