Re: WAKE UP!!!

Tom Clark (
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 16:24:57 -0900

On 11/17/95, Carl Payne asked of the Universe:
>There is no way every single one of these lists have died at once.
>What's broken?
>Why only 6 / 17 ??
>My pants! Where the hell are my pants?!
>And, on the off chance that this makes it to an existing list...I apologize. I suspect someone has unsubbed me, and your reply will confirm that I need to resub the proper way.

Carl, I found your pants wadded up in the back of my Portmaster 25. I think
that that's why I was having modem coniptions in the first place. What I'm
wondering is how your pant's got all the way up to Fairbanks, Alaska in the
first place. ;-]

** Tom Clark
** MosquitoNet(R), PO Box 81134, Fairbanks Alaska 99078
** (907)458-SURF (voice and fax)
** (temporary)