PM2eR WAN problems...still.

David Carmean (
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 10:35:07 -0800 (PST)

I received a replacement PM2eR to fix the broken WAN port
issue some time ago, and when this unit came in (with ComOS 3.1.3) the
WAN port didn't work at all, and neither did one of the serial cards.
Based on the comments that there was a bug in earlier firmware that
sometimes caused it not to see a serial card, I upgraded to 3.1.4, and
the ports did in fact start working.

I haven't noticed any problems with the serial card, but the
WAN link crashes regularly. Now, however, instead of requiring
intervention it at least comes back up.

So, the question is, does the PM2eR WAN port really work
yet? I'm about to ask for free IRX-111s from Livingston to provide
the functionality that the 2eRs are supposed to give.

David Carmean WB6YZM DC574
System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
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