Re: Merit Radius and Portmaster

David Carmean (
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 09:10:13 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 15 Nov 1995, Garry Shtern wrote:

> Hello..
> Can anybody tell me how exactly do you set up Portmaster and
> Merit Radius together to authenticate between PPP, SLIP and Telnet
> logins. So for instance you get a prompt Username:, then Password: and
> then after it verifies who you are, it comes up with the Prompt Choose:
> and you type ppp,slip or telnet there...
If you use PAP with PPP, then you don't have to do anything
special. The portmaster sees the PPP frames on it's port, sends a
request to RADIUS with the Service-Type attribute set to Framed, and Merit
RADIUS picks that up and runs with it. It has three "default" profiles
for determining how to start the session: dumbuser (Telnet), pppuser,
and slipuser. So, you can use the same username and password for a
regular dialup or PPP session.

SLIP, I don't know about yet...with the stock Merit distribution,
you'd have to have an explicit entry in the users file for the SLIP
users, but I haven't seen a SLIP user on my system since we started
four months ago, and I now have 850 users.

If you can't use PAP...there is reportedly a patch to the
Merit package that uses a "service%user" format, but I don't know where
to get it. I hope to create a patch that handles at least four different
forms of this trick, but I don't have the time right now.

David Carmean WB6YZM DC574
System/Network Administrator, WestNet Communications, Inc.
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