Re: Modem problems with PM2-ER

Phil Jensen - News Administrator (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 16:56:37 -0800 (PST)

You can always do a:

my-router1> show w1

And that will give you a complete (running and saved) listing of an
interface. Is that what ya mean? :)


Phil Jensen _\\|//_
News Administrator/JAPH (-0-0-)
ValleyNet Communications - Central California's Premier Internet Provider
Voice: (209) 486-VNET (8638) 2300 Tulare, Suite 100
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On Wed, 15 Nov 1995, Paul Makeev wrote:

> Hi! We use PM-2ERs with 3.1.4 software and MultiTech 2834ZDX modems as
> dial-ins. Here is a problem: several users couldn't get after login
> prompt of Livingston thru some of the modems. Curious enough, all the
> modems have bit-to-bit equal setup (even copied undocumeneted regsiters).
> The problem is not in line setup (probably), since swapping modems on
> the lines doesn't cure anything. Anything user types to thelogin prompt
> is not echoed back (they are rlogined to UNIX host). I a so stuck with
> the problem, even tried cosmic rays shields (doesn't help at all).
> Thanks in advance, Paul.
> P.S. Is there any Livingston equivalent of CISCO's "sh conf"?
> How to get exact and complete running options of async ports?