
Steve (
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 09:21:30 -0400 (GMT-0400)

I have a pm30 and would like to begin running the radiusd accounting to
avoid "interpreting" that dang log file of when a user logs in and out.

I figured having the accounting file with a nice little "seconds logged in"
would be a smidged easier... and if I'm going for easier, why not go all

so the question is... does anyone have a nice perl/shell/C code set up to
analyze the accounting file (radiusd style where you have the start
and stop logs and the seconds logged in is in the stop log) and produce
a per *user* total for the time period covered by the log file?

And do you have to be using a certain release of the PM OS to use the
newer radiusd capable of this style accounting?
