Re: in.pmd on SCO

Chip Yamasaki (
Sun, 5 Nov 95 18:26:00 EST

Yes, I'm looking at it now, and it's not ported to SCO and there are
several things that look like they'd be some work to port. I'll say it
again, when I bought the Portmaster (quite some time ago) I was told
that SCO support was forthcoming. Now the response is "to damned bad".
I like the product, but is SCO that rare a platform that you can't
support it? I don't think so.

C'mon Carl, get your folks with it. You've got some good but frustrated
customers out there who would like some help.

In a previous message Carl Rigney said:
> Have we ever mentioned nettty.c to you? It binds a pseudo-tty to a
> network host port on the PortMaster and allows two-way communication.
> Its unsupported but freely available in source form, so if you wanted
> to port it to SCO you're more than welcome to pick it up from
> That provides the outgoing functionality of in.pmd, albeit not in so
> clean a fashion.
Charles "Chip" Yamasaki| The opinions expressed here are my own and are not
chip@osh3.OSHA.GOV | supported or even generally accepted by OSHA. :-)