Setting up default hosts on Portmaster

Pete Williams (
Mon, 13 Nov 95 18:10:21 EST

Hi --

I originally posted this here a few days ago, but shortly after, our mail
server was changed, causing me to lose several days worth of email; so,
I'm posting this again:

: I'm kinda new to this, so bear with me. I've just put a second host on our
: network, which "network" consists of two Sun workstation/servers and about
: 15 ASCII terminals hooked up to a Portmaster.
: I would like to assign all dumb-terminal users a default host when they login.
: Preferably, I would like to do this by _user_, but in a pinch I'll settle
: for setting it by _port_. I've tried setting this up in the "User Table",
: "Hosts Table" and the setup menu for the individual ports, but with no avail.
: I've read through the docs and can't seem to find anything (understandable,
: anyway) about how to do this. I know this should be easy, so what am I doing
: wrong?
: Advice/comments/flames/commiserations gratefully accepted. Let me know what
: information you require about my Portmaster setup.

Thanks in advance,

Pete Williams <>

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