OSPF (Was: Re: "Immediate" RIPS that don't happen?)

Matt Bush (xomox@boris.eden.com)
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 13:05:44 -0600 (CST)

[ ... ]
> Wait for OSPF, ask Livingston to change the RIP policy, or tell the
> user to wait for 120 seconds or so before dialing in again. Yeah, I
> know exactly how helpful the last suggestion is :-(
> -- Robert
Speaking of OSPF, do we have any timeline on it's implementation
date? When you've got a boatload of portmasters on a wire, especially
when they aren't the only ones there, RIP just flat bites. I've been
hearing for the last 6 months, "It's coming..", but when? This isn't
a criticism of Livingston, because I happen to think they make excellent
products. It's just that I need to know when I can integrate them into
a real network setup. _Any_ info is welcome.



(PS-> Does Livingston have any plans to implement a 100BaseT port
on any of their models in the future?)