Routing (fwd)

Cor Bosman (
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 19:17:02 +0100

> Once upon a time Christopher Auron shaped the electrons to say...
> >I have a customer that wants to route through his dial-up, How do I set this up? He want 4
> >or 5 addresses to do some testing.
> Is it a subnet?
> if it is a subnet there is a less messy way of doing this:
> Framed-Route = "IP-1 his-IP 1"
> Framed-Route = "IP-2 his-IP 1"
> Framed-Route = "IP-3 his-IP 1"
> Framed-Route = "IP-4 his-IP 1"
> Framed-Route = "IP-5 his-IP 1"

Oh, wouldnt it be heaven if we could say:

Framed-Route = "subnet mask 1"

:)) Sorry, cant help myself..
