
Christian Nielsen (cnielsen@lonepeak.vii.com)
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 10:22:16 -0700 (MST)

Ok, ok, there are a lot of people asking about wireless equipment. It is
the way to go and I have some names of companies that have wireless
equipment at home somewhere. I will try to dig out the info so that
you can get more information. Here is what I remember.

Most offer T1 speeds up to 3 miles, there is one company that does T1
speeds at 20 miles. The cost ranges anywhere from $3000 - $7000, but from
what I could read, you don't have to buy extra routers, CSU's etc. It is
hooked to the ethernet and you can Telnet in to configure.

So, the money you spend on 2 Routers, $4000, 2 csu's $2000 total = $6000,
you can buy a complete wireless system. How about it livingston....

Chrsitian Nielsen cnielsen@vii.com,CN46,KB7HAP

Vyzynz International Inc.
Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953 PS :)