Spreadout PM's

Cor Bosman (cor@xs4all.net)
Fri, 10 Nov 1995 04:22:17 +0100

> Assumptions:
> 1 - Static IP addresses for PPP clients
> 2 - PM's are spread out over WAN (each LAN connected
> via routers over T1 links)
> 3 - PPP clients can dial into any one of the PM's
> Question:
> * How can you let the client's static IP address work
> from all PM's, which may be on different subnets from
> one another?

I would really try to avoid the situation. On a lan it's not so bad.
You can use the (undocumented?) netmask table.

set netmask a.b.c.d

On a wan its gonna be difficult. One of the problems we encountered was
the relative slowness of RIP (since thats the only thing a portmaster
can speak). So, if you have multiple hops to a central radius server,
you have a problem. For this reason we only give out static IP addresses
on a LAN. If he wants to connect to another POP, he cant use the same
static address. We encourage people to use dynamic IP, static IP doesnt
scale you know :)

> * Should the PM's be connected in a different way for
> this to work?

How many ways are there to connect? :)
