Routing a Class C on a dial-up basis

Randy Byers (
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 13:43:54 -0500

If there is a FAQ for this somewhere, please point me to it!
(If there isn't, I'll write up a nice detailed response once I get it

We've got three 30 port Portmasters all on our Class C.
We've got a customer who wants to purchase a dial-up connection.
This customer already has a Class C address and while he is on-line wants to
be able to have full routing to and from his network.
He will dial into any one of our Portmasters depending on which line he
happens to get.

We have a T1 line to the Net and a Cisco (2500) router at our end of the T1.
When we sell dedicated connections, we have our higher level provider put in
static routes for the dedicated customer's Class C address pointing to the
ONE portmaster that we hook up his dedicated phone line to.

I'm a little fuzzy on what should be done here. I'm thinking that perhaps
we route their Class C to our Cisco by default, and then whichever
Portmaster the dial-up customer connects to would advertise a route to the
Cisco (and the Cisco would then forward all packets to the Portmaster). Is
this what RIP does?

We are using Radius to authenticate, but I'm not quite sure how to proceed.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Randy Byers Magma Communications Ltd. Providing Internet Services
Phone: (613) 228-3565 to the Ottawa, Ontario region.
FAX: (613) 228-8313