Re: Portmaster lockups (T10011)

King Chung Ho (
Thu, 9 Nov 1995 23:09:02 +0800 (HKT)

On Tue, 7 Nov 1995, Jeffrey C. Ollie wrote:

> >>>>> "H" == His Royal Majesty <> writes:
> H>
> H> Try pulling the last few (2 or 3) serial connections from each PM and see
> H> if the problem goes away. If it does, then it is the "" bug (maybe).
> H> I am sure MZ will have something more specific to add, I only know what I
> H> read.
> I doubt that it's the bug, because none of them are set up to do
> PPP or SLIP. All that they do is a telnet to a server.

One of our portmaster PM30e hung today (at that time there was a
combination of PPP/SLIP logins and telnet to a server). The really BAD part
is that two of telnet users drop their line when the portmaster hung and
try to reconnect immediately and they end up in the other person's login

It seems that during the hung, the portmaster didn't know the modem have
dropped the line and when the it comes out of the hanging state, the
users has already reconnect but to the "wrong" ports!

This is a very big security problem and need to be solved ASAP!!!!!!

Best regards,

King Ho
Global Link Information Services Ltd.